May 2020 – Market Update

May 2020 – Market Update

The Stock Trader’s Almanac has famously said:  “Sell in May and go away!”  The idea is that while the stock market may be positive, it is the least seasonally strong during this six-month period of time each year on average.  We must always keep in mind that past...
April 2020 – Market Commentary & Business Update

April 2020 – Market Commentary & Business Update

ReminderYou have until July 7th to contact us if you’d like to contribute into an IRA so you can write it off on your tax return.  In addition, we can help you with tax prep!  Please call (586) 459-5340 to find out how much we can save you on your tax preparation...
March 2020 – Special Market Update

March 2020 – Special Market Update

Market Update We’d like to start off with some positive news, the whole country and economy is NOT shut down. Most people were at work today and can work from home if need be. China looks to be improving and we’re receiving guidance daily from our state and federal...
March 2020 – Market Update & Commentary

March 2020 – Market Update & Commentary

IRA Contribution Reminder: You have until April 7th to contact us if you’d like to contribute into your Roth IRA, or Traditional IRA so you can write it off on your tax return. In addition, we can help you with tax prep! Please call (586) 459-5340 to find out how much...
February 2020 – Market Commentary

February 2020 – Market Commentary

  Reminder:  Tax Season is Here!  Wouldn’t it be nice to just have your financial advisor walk all of your investment paperwork down the hall to your tax preparer?  What if you didn’t even have to schedule a meeting and you had an option to handle it all through...