Credit cards can be a very polarizing topic when discussing personal finances. There are some out there that swear they will never own a credit card and there are some who solely use their credit card to pay for as many expenses as possible. Today, we will break down...
We wanted to take this opportunity to refresh our mindsets and explain what we believe is required to achieve a high net worth status. 2024 is in full swing, and each day seems to be busier and busier. It is important not to fall victim to life’s craziness and...
Market Update: Positive Trends in the First Half of 2024 As the first half of 2024 comes to a close, we’re happy to say that it has been smooth sailing for the major stock market indexes. For the month of June, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 1.12% this...
We recently sent out the latest recommendations for our employer plan advice program, so we thought this topic may be useful for our readers. Many employers offer retirement plan options to their employees, which is a great incentive to attract and retain talent. This...
Trusted Contact Form If you have not met with us recently for a review meeting, we strongly encourage you to request a Trusted Contact form. If you were incapacitated, it gives us permission to speak freely with anyone you name, such as spouses or children, about your...
This month’s blog topic really hits home for me. My wife and I are in the final month of pregnancy for our first child! I feel that this experience has provided me with some firsthand experience that deserves to be relayed to our clients. There was a lot...