Long-Term Care Eligibility: Understanding Activities of Daily Living

Long-Term Care Eligibility: Understanding Activities of Daily Living

  In a previous post, we discussed the topic of long-term care planning and the options available to help cover potential long-term care expenses. In this post, we will focus on Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and how they are used to determine eligibility for...
How Seasonality Shapes Economic Activity and Investment Decisions

How Seasonality Shapes Economic Activity and Investment Decisions

Seasonal trends can be identified across various economic industries, and these trends correlate to when businesses may be growing or slowing on a recurring basis year after year. Consider how electricity companies typically see a surge in demand during summer months...
Aging and Finances: How Advisors Help Plan for Long-Term Care

Aging and Finances: How Advisors Help Plan for Long-Term Care

While creating retirement plans for our clients, we always make sure to share the potential costs of long-term care (LTC) services. As with all medical expenses, the costs for this care are rapidly rising and can easily be one of the largest expenses you may encounter...