Lump Sum vs Pension: Planning Life After Retirement 

Lump Sum vs Pension: Planning Life After Retirement 

Pensions are a luxury that very few pre-retirees are still being offered today. Most employers are shifting away from pensions because these retirement benefits create a large strain on the company’s cash flow. However, if you have a lump sum vs. pension decision to...
Financial Advisors Share Guidance for Investing Beginners

Financial Advisors Share Guidance for Investing Beginners

Taking the first steps in planning your financial future can be scary. But there’s good news: you do not need a Ph.D. in finance to start growing your wealth. Saving for retirement and other long-term goals is a matter of getting started and working with someone you...
Home and Auto Insurance: Policies, Coverage, and Considerations

Home and Auto Insurance: Policies, Coverage, and Considerations

Continuing our current discussion, we will be looking at various insurance types over the past couple of months. Overall, insurance is a risk management process and a critical step in mitigating risk. Risk is managed by buying the insurance policy to protect against a...
The Gamestop Short Squeeze- How and Why?

The Gamestop Short Squeeze- How and Why?

The recent news regarding GameStop, AMC, Blackberry, etc. has many individuals wondering, “What exactly is a Short Squeeze?” This blog post will explain from a high-level view what short selling is, what it means to be squeezed, and the major catalysts and results of the recent major events.